Echo Songs (Lyrics)

Say Hello
Greg and Steve
Say hello
(Say hello)
I would like to get to know you
(I would like to get to know you)
Let's be friends
(Let's be friends)
Say hello
(Say hello)
Look at all the friendly faces
(Look at all the friendly faces)
In the world
(In the world)
Oh, we all
(Oh, we all)
Live together
(Live together)
In a world
(In a world)
That we share
(That we share)
So shake hands
(So shake hands)
With your neighbors
(With your neighbors)
Let them know
(Let them know)
That your there
(That your there)
Say hello
(Say hello)
Let a smile come shinin' through you
(Let a smile come shinin' through you)
Let it shine
(Let it shine)
Say hello (Say hello)
Say hello (Say hello)
Say hello (Say hello)
Say hello (Say hello)

B-A Bay
Greg and Steve
B A Bay, B E Bee
B I Biddy Bye B O Bo
Biddy Bye Bo B U Boo
Biddy Bye Bo Boo
C'mon now and sing along
Its not hard to do
Just pick a consonant and sing
with an A, E, I, O U.
K A Kay, K E Kee
K I Kickie Kye K O Ko
Kickie Kye Ko K U Koo
Kickie Kye Ko Koo.
M A May, M E Mee
M I Minnie Mye M O Moe
Minnie Mye Moe M U Moo
Minnie Mye Moe Moo Moo
C'mon now and sing along
Its not hard to do
Just pick a consonant and sing
with an A, E, I, O U.
Z A Zay, Z E Zee
Z I Ziddy Zye Z O Zoe
Ziddy Zye Zoe Z U Zoo
Ziddy Zye Zoe Zoo

Be My Echo
Sesame Street
Sing what I sing, sing after me
Be my echo if you can be
Sing tra la la (tra la la)
Mi mi mi (mi mi mi)
Ha ha ha (ha ha ha)
Hee hee hee (hee hee hee)
Pick a peck of peppers (pick a peck of peppers)
Fiddle diddle dee (fiddle diddle dee)
Be my echo (be my echo)
Sing what I sing (sing what you sing)
Follow the leader and sing after me (sing after me)
Hello There
(Hello there)
How are you
(How are you)
It's so good
(It's so good)
To see you
(To see you)
We'll sing and
(We'll sing and)
Be happy
(Be happy)
That we're all here together again
(That we're all here together again)

Hello There
Ni hao, Jambo, Hola
Bonjour, Sorida
Namaste, Shalom
Ciao, Konichiwa
Come along with me
Welcome to our family
It’s nice to meet you
Come and sing with me
Come and sing with me
Ni hao, Jambo, Hola
Bonjour, Sorida
A Salaam a’leikum
Oi, Konichiwa
We speak many languages
We come from many lands
Then we can be friends
Then we can be freinds
Ni hao, Moyo, Hola
Ajoi, Aloha
Privet, Sawubona
Yia sas, Namaskara
Ni hao, Jambo, Hola
Bonjour, Soridad
Namaste, Shalom
Oi, Konichiwa
​Nihao, Jambo, Hola
Liz Buchanan
Denise Gagne